
  • Prize
    Winner in Others furniture
  • Company/Firm
    Atilim University
  • Designer
    Cagri Bulhaz, Cilga Resuloglu
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Sadik Cagri Bildis
  • Location
  • Project Date
  • Project Link

Phibonna is a multi-purpose sit furniture which allows sitting to meet different indoor public spaces such as exhibition halls, museums and shopping malls. The look should be simple but sophisticated, the function should meet different purposes and the materials, such as UV rays tube, should answer the needs of pandemic process. It has been determined that UV rays are successful in cleaning viruses and that polyethylene keeps its form stable against UV ray. The design inspiration obtained from a desire for nature. We searched codes from nature and Phi code is the answer of our question. Fibonacci spirals occur widely in nature. Phi code identifies our design in geometrical golden ratio proportions. Golden ratio creates definitive characteristics of our design as well as aesthetic expression. Phi code is defined as growth behaviour in nature. When more than one sit unit comes together, it begins to grow by creating new spaces where it is located. Construction of the bench is convenient because no supplementary elements are required. It is truly different from what already exists as a sit furniture because design itself questions traditional sit furniture in indoor public places.

Assist. Prof. Dr.Cagri Bulhaz is a full-time lecturer at Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department, Atilim University, Turkey. He got his Bachelor’s degree, Mfa and Phd from Interior Architecture at Hacettepe University. His research areas are sustainable design, housing design and project management. He has lots of professional practices in his own company and was awarded by architecture design competitions.

Other prizes
*Bulhaz, Ç. A' Design Award (2018-2019), in interior Space and Exhibition Design Catagory, Participated A’Design Award *Bulhaz, Ç. ve Resuloglu Ç. (2018) A' Design Award (2017-2018), Street Furniture Design Category, “Yin Yang Multifunctional Bench”. Runner –up *Bulhaz, Ç. , Resuloglu, Ç. ve Metin, T. Winnipeg, Canada, 2017, Winnipeg Design Festival, The challenge of THE BENCH design competition *Bulhaz, S.O. ve Bulhaz Ç. (2007) The Chamber of Architects of Turkey, istanbul (CAT), Kemal TÜRKLER mausoleum design competition exhibition, TR- Ankara, *Aldemir, Z. , Bulhaz, Ç. (2006) The Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT), 10th, Architectural exhebition and Awards, Participant in Enviroment Catagory, “UIA istanbul 2005”, istanbul