Meygun restaurant

  • Prize
    Winner in Restaurant & Bar Design
  • Designer
    Kianoush Khodaverdi
  • School
    Qazvin Azad University

In the design of Meygun restaurant, an attempt has been made to show the Iranian-Islamic architecture in a new way.

The entrance door of the restaurant is located in the middle, which divides the restaurant into two parts to maintain symmetry.

There is also the design and pattern of Iranian tiles on the floor, and it is very beautiful and spectacular when the reflection of colored window glass falls on the tiles.
in the VIP part of the restaurant, a library has been designed that can be used for reading until the time of serving food and also as a separator.

In Kanter's design, he also shows turquoise tiles, which is an inspiring and mysterious color in Islamic architecture. And the roof of the restaurant is inspired by the arrows that can be seen in the old houses of Iran, so that both the light enters the space and the audience has a pleasant feeling seeing the sky.