Atelier Table

  • Prize
    Winner in Office table
  • Company/Firm
    Wow Atelier
  • Designer
    Gregory Walker, Chimso Onwuegbu
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    John Burdick, Kevin lucey
  • Photo Credit
    WOW atelier
  • Location
    Salt Lake City, UT
  • Project Date
  • Client
    WOW Atelier
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Atelier Table - At·el·ier (noun) a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.

At the heart of all good design is collaboration. Collaborative environments do not occur randomly; in fact, one must strategically think about the process within that space and work to optimize and foster creative results. Creativity is fragile, often fleeting, and because it is deeply personal to those who are brave enough to engage, respect must be paid to the physical properties of the object on which this process plays out.

We set out to make a perfect tool for the atelier charette process. A table that has very specific functions, a 10 ft long table that is 24” wide allows up to 10 people to engage intimately with a full-size set of drawings between them. A notched surface on the top of the table perfectly fits drawing traces, scale rulers, pencils, and chartpak markers. The underside of the table holds 9 full-size drawing sets, with the two long shelves allowing for bookshelf storage. The natural materials of the table, as well as the handmade details, are intentionally highlighted so working on the table illicit quality authenticity, and thoughtful