Goodman Amenity Space

  • Prize
    Winner in Office Design
  • Company/Firm
    Kamitopen Co., Ltd.
  • Designer
    Masahiro Yoshida
  • Lead Designer(Other)
    Asuka Tamaru
  • Other Credit
    Designers(Other):Kazuomi Mitsui,Masahiro Tanoue-ASAI KEN ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCHI INC.
  • Photo Credit
    Keisuke Miyamoto
  • Location
    Stage5,Goodman Business Park - West Building,1-2 Kaguro Minami, Inzai City, Chiba,Japan
  • Project Date
    October 15,2021
  • Client
    Goodman group
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

Concept: The sea and nature

The Goodman Group is a company that owns, develops and manages the industrial real estate in Sydney.
This time, for the Stage 5 of a large scale business park, some amenity space in the distribution warehouse was planned to be designed.
Since the amenity space was required to be both relaxing and healing, we have created a space where people can feel the nature and sea of Australia.
The entire space is designed to resemble the sea surface. This has been achieved by creating waves on the ceiling surface that come form the gradation to vibration of stainless steel processed onto the mirror face. By using the materials that reflect on the walls the movement of people, clouds and the sun, we have arranged a space where you can feel the fluctuations of the whole interior. By making indoor plants look like seaweed we have expressed the underwater life.