Home Chair

  • Prize
    Winner in Other Chairs
  • Designer
    Yining Ge
  • School
    Rhode Island School of Design
  • Location
    Providence, Rhode Island, United States
  • Project Date
    October 17th, 2023
  • Project Link
  • Web URL

A lounge chair has the power setting the domestic atmosphere. Home Chair is a wooden lounge chair introducing warmth and peacefulness to its surrounding environment. The material choice for the chair is hard maple, signifying my architectural inspiration and spreads a welcoming warm hue.

Home Chair explore the boundary between volume and ergonomics. It is designed to provide a restful moment in our domestic setting and recharge.

Home Chair is an exploration of harmonizing weight and warmth within one piece of furniture. The making of the chair is a combination of CNC machining and hand shaping. My inspiration for the design stems from Chinese architectural practices and the chair is a representation of my interpretation, expressed through minimalist design language. When designing the chair, I used hard maple to instill a sense of permanence and stability. The form draws inspiration from the symmetry, solid timber beams, columns, and the post-and-lintel construction system. The seating area is lower at a ten inch seat height and offers a comparatively larger seating area (24 x 22 inches). The chair’s surface encourages people to engage in dynamic sitting experiences.